Monday, July 14, 2008


My big girl is all about fashion lately. She goes to her room to get dressed in the mornings and spends lots of time trying on different outfits in front of the mirror. She really likes coming up with new things to do with clothing pieces. For instance, she has a flimsey little halter top that she has taken to wearing as a do-rag almost every day.

Well, this morning, she came out wearing this:

It's a former poncho repurposed into a drapey tube top like thingy....pretty clever I thought.

So.... run to your closet and get out your old ponchos. As long as you have a chest as small as the neck on your poncho, you have a new cool top, ha ha!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Testing, testing

I'm finally starting a blog.....mainly just for myself and my family. A sort of virtual / visual journal. So here goes.

A day in the life.....July 4, 2008.

The Quick Five wake up excited about the day....4th of July is one of the best holidays in our neighborhood. We start with an old fashioned parade in the morning (the kind where almost all the neighbors are IN the parade, not watching it). We hang out on the sidelines because we can never seem to get going early enough to decorate L's bike or scooter and line up. She's also a glutton for all the candy that gets thrown her way.

After the parade we head to the pool where the babies were a bit iffy about everything. Well, I should say one of the babies (that would be S), C was all for it and tried to wriggle away from me the whole time, thinking she could swim with the big kids.

After that, we went to a neighbor's house for a cookout (Thanks!). Then daddy took the babies home to go to bed while L and I stayed and watched the fireworks that happen each year in our neighborhood. Everyone had a great time!